
An eternal mutual attraction between men and women is a natural provision.

Natural law:Nature, like all other animals, has created human beings by dividing them into two categories - male and female, and they have a natural attraction towards each other.
But a study of other animals reveals that their division into male and female and the natural attraction between them is merely for their national stability. That is why the sense of attraction - in other words, the sense of sex - has been given to them only to the extent that is necessary for the growth of their progeny - i.e. for the provision of national stability. 
There is a controlling force in their nature that does not allow them to cross certain limits in matters related to sex. In man, on the other hand, the sense of sexuality is unlimited and irresistible and far greater than that of other animals. There is no restriction of time or season in his sexual activity. There is no power in his nature that can confine him to any particular boundary. 

An eternal mutual sexual feeling exists between men and women. There is endless element of mutual attraction and sexuality between them. There is a great desire for lust and love in their hearts. Their physical structure, physique, beauty, sense of touch and every organ has created a desire for the opposite sex. Their voice, movement, body shape, charming manner etc.

 Have full power of attraction. Furthermore, their four-sided nature is filled with countless elements that stimulate their sexual desire and make them fall in love with each other. Malay hillol, the river's kaltan, the beautiful shyamlima of the place, the survi of the flowers, the hum of the birds, the clouds, the beauty of the moonlit night - in short, every scene of natural beauty and every beauty of the created world directly and indirectly stimulates the sexual desire of man.

Then, if we examine the physical order of man, we can know that the energy that is in it is a combination of vital energy, working energy and sexual energy. There are several glands in the body, which excite and stimulate the organs in the secretion of life [hormone].* These glands produce performance, efficiency, intelligence etc. in the human being.

In addition, these glands stimulate the sex drive in him, triggering the sensation of sexual stimulation. All these emotions collect various instruments of beauty, beauty, elegance, decoration for the outpouring of feelings. Then the ability to be attracted to all these decorations and equipment is created in his eyes, ears, smell, touch and imagination.

*How many endocrine glands are there inside the human body? The juice released from these glands is called hormone. Hormones stimulate and stimulate specific body parts. There are nine endocrine glands in male and female as follows:

Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid & Parathyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Adrenal, Ovary, Placenta.

The female body has all of the above and the male has only a few. -Translator
Nature's omnipotence can also be seen in man's mental energy. There are two great desires of all the stimulating powers in his mind. The first urges to secure one's existence and to serve one's self. The second forces him to have intercourse with the opposite sex. 

In youth, when man's faculties are fully developed, this second desire is so strong that it often suppresses the first. People are so affected by its influence that they do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives and willingly, knowingly throw themselves in the face of destruction.

Effects of sexual attraction on tammadun formation
What is so much for? Is it only for the stability of national existence - for the growth of the family? never Because, to maintain the existence of the human group, it is not necessary to increase the number of offspring, as much as fish, goats and other animals are required. 

Then what can be the reason that nature has created more sexual feelings and sexual attraction in humans than all other animals and has created the most stimulating elements for this? But all this is just for the luxury of human enjoyment? Not even that. Prakritikan does not present enjoyment as the only aim and purpose of life.

 He has presented pleasure and sexual intercourse as a taste to motivate people and other living beings to work for some great purpose, so that he can do the said work as his own. Now consider what great purpose nature has in this matter. No matter how much thought and research may be done on this subject, no other reason can be ascertained than that nature intended to create a tamaddun with only the human race to the exclusion of other animals.

For this reason, a desire for lust and love has been created in the human mind which demands not only physical union and procreation, but an eternal association, sincere connection and spiritual connection.
This is why sexuality is given more importance in humans than the power of intercourse. If even a tenth of the sexual desire and sexual attraction in him is used in procreating, then his health will be destroyed. His debt before attaining normal age

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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