
Methods of studying the Qur'an.

 Methods of studying the Qur'an

 Quran is a wonderful book. Many people of the world approach the Qur'an with many motives. It is not humanly possible to give any advice keeping in view the needs and objectives of all of them. I am only interested in the large number of seekers who want to understand this and what role this book plays in solving the problems of human life and how it guides him. Here I will give some advice about the method of studying the Qur'an for such people. And along with this I will also try to solve the problems that common people face in this regard. If a person believes in the Qur'an or not, if he wants to understand this book, then first of all he must free his mind as much as possible from pre-established thoughts and doctrines and favorable and unfavorable motives and interests. One should begin its study with the pure and sincere intention of understanding and memorizing this book. Those who read this book with a special kind of thinking in their mind, they keep falling between its various layers of their own thinking. They don't even get a whiff of the original Quran. This type of study is not correct for reading any book in the world. And the Qur'an in particular never opens the door to its underlying truth and profound meaning for such readers.

Then one reading is probably enough for a person who wants to gain a cursory knowledge of the Qur'an. But for those who want to go deep into its meaning, reading it twice is not enough. He must read it again and again. Each time a new Vongima must be read. Like a student should sit with pencil and note book. Necessary points like place should be noted. Thus those who are ready to read the Qur'an should read the book at least twice so that the whole system of thought and action which the Qur'an seeks to present may be brought before them - for this purpose alone. During this initial study they should try to acquire a broad based knowledge of the entire content of the Qur'an. They have to see, what basic ideas does this book present and how do they build the foundation of the edifice of life on those ideas? During this period, if any question arises in his mind or any problem, then he should take note of it without taking any decision there and then and patiently continue the study forward. Somewhere in the future he will get the answer, it is more likely. When you get the answer, note it along with your question. But if you don't get any answers to your questions after the first study, you have to study a second time with patience. I can say from my own experience that no question has ever been left unanswered after a second careful study.

Thus after gaining a comprehensive view of the Qur'an one should begin its detailed study. In this context, the reader must take notes after fully understanding one aspect of the teachings of the Quran. For example, he should try to understand what kind of ideal of humanity is considered desirable by the Quran or what kind of ideal of humanity is hated and rejected by him. In order to inculcate this matter well in his mind, he should write in his notebook on one side 'likeable people' and on the other side he should write 'unlikeable people' and under both of them he should write their qualities and characteristics. Or like, he should try to know, according to the Qur'an, the welfare and liberation of man depends on certain things and what things he considers harmful and destructive to humanity - the previous method should be adopted to know this matter clearly and in detail. That is, in the note book, 'Inevitable matters' for welfare and 'Inevitable matters' for harm - these two headings should be written side by side. Then while studying the Qur'an daily, notes should be taken about the two related matters. In this way the provisions of the Qur'an on Aqidah-belief, character-morality, rights, duties, society, culture, economy, politics, law, party organization-discipline, war, treaties and other aspects of life should be noted and what is the overall outlook of the department towards it. , then put them together and try to understand what kind of life picture emerges. Again, in order to investigate any particular problem in life and to know the view of the Qur'an in that regard, ancient and modern literature related to that problem must be studied in depth. Through this study he should clearly know the fundamentals of the respective problems. What have people thought about him till date and how have they perceived him? Are there any issues still waiting to be resolved? Where is the car of people's thoughts stuck? The Qur'an should be studied with these solvable problems and issues in mind. This is the best and most beautiful way to know the Quranic view of a subject. From my own experience, I can say that if you study a subject for the purpose of research and investigation, you will find the answer to your question in all those verses, which have been read several times before, but did not even think that this theory is hidden there.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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