
Our action and it's feedback.

 The result is the result

Literature is at the forefront, public opinion is behind it. Finally the social character, rules and laws of the state surrendered to him. Where philosophy, history, ethics, science, novels, drama, art, etc., which create a mental revolution continuously for one and a half hundred years, the same kind of views and thoughts penetrate into the minds of people with combined power, it is very impossible not to be influenced by such thoughts of the society. matter Therefore, where the government and all social systems are established on democratic principles, it is not possible that the law will not change with the change of public opinion.

Industrial revolution and its response

Inevitably, other copper materials were just in time. It was during this period that the Industrial Revolution took place. All the changes brought about by it in the economic life and all the effects it produced in the cultural life directed the flow of events in the direction towards which the revolutionary literature wanted to direct. Capitalism was founded on the idea of individual freedom, mechanical inventions and the possibility of mass production gave it tremendous power. The wealthy class established large industrial and commercial establishments. New centers of industrial trade grew into huge cities. Millions of men and women were drawn from rural areas to cities. Livelihood became unbelievably expensive. Housing, food, clothing and daily essentials for living became expensive. Partly due to cultural improvement and partly due to the efforts of the capitalists, numerous luxuries took their place among the necessities of life. But all the comforts, pleasures and luxuries that the rich had created in their daily life, the means to get them so that everyone can enjoy them equally, the wealth was not distributed at that level in the capitalist system. After the capitalists had drawn the masses from the rural areas to the cities, they could have easily been provided with the essentials of life, shelter, food, clothing, etc. The result of this was that the wife became a slave to the husband and children to the father. Far from carrying the burden of family and relatives, it became difficult to handle oneself. Financial condition forced every person to earn. All classes of women like virgins, married women, widows etc. had to leave the house to earn a living. Then when the opportunities for the association of men and women increased and its inevitable consequences appeared, then the idea of freedom and the philosophy of new character comforted fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives and said, 'Don't be impatient, what is happening is happening. ! This is not degradation, in fact it is improvement and emancipation. This is the bottomless pit into which the capitalists are throwing you, this is not hell, but heaven-param heaven.

Capitalist self-interest

Other matters are not limited to this. Capitalism, which was founded on a concept of individual liberty, gave the individual the absolute, unlimited right to acquire wealth in all possible ways. No matter how wealth is acquired, no matter how many are destroyed as a result of one's acquisition of wealth, the new philosophy considered it legitimate and sacred. Thus all cultural systems were established in such a way that the individual was favored from all sides against the collective. On the other hand, there was no way to protect the rights of the collective against the private interests of the individual. All avenues were opened for self-interested individuals to destroy the society. They started to adopt new methods to fulfill their own interests by taking advantage of all human weaknesses. A man appears and engages others in drinking to fill his own pockets. No one is stepping up to save society from this plague-mouse. Another person appears and spreads the web of usury. There is no one who protects people from the clutches of these blood-sucking leeches. Moreover, all the laws protect the interests of this bloodsucker, so that no one can keep even a drop of blood safe from his grasp. A third person appears, he discovers a strange method of gambling. Its spread is so widespread that no sector of industrial business is free from the influence of gambling. There is no one to save the economic life of man from this burning fire. It was impossible not to attract the attention of selfish individuals to such human frailty in an age when the extreme weakness of man was fueled by sexual frenzy and it was possible to fulfill the interests of the Lord, in that unholy age of personal arrogance, rebellion and enmity. In fact, this sexual promiscuity has been done as much as possible. In theaters, dance halls and film production centers, all activities revolved around beautiful women. Women's participation in all these activities was inevitable. Women were presented in public in more nude and erotic images. By this, people's money was looted by increasing their sexual desire. A number of men began to hire women and developed prostitution into a well-organized international business. And some people used to discover new materials of beauty and luxury

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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