
UN ready to assist Bangladesh in investigating quota movement violence.


UN ready to assist Bangladesh in investigating quota movement violence

The United Nations has expressed its readiness to assist the government of Bangladesh in investigating the violence surrounding the country’s quota reform movement.

Dujarric also highlighted the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh, despite the political unrest and violence. Collected
Dujarric also highlighted the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh, despite the political unrest and violence. Collected

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The UN, however, stressed that for any independent investigation, the approval of its legislative body would be required.

Speaking at a regular press briefing on Wednesday, Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, emphasized the UN's willingness to assist any government upon request. 
"We are always prepared to help any government in various matters. They can request assistance, and we will determine the best way to provide that support. However, for an independent investigation, approval from the UN's legislative body [the General Assembly] would be necessary," Dujarric stated.
In response to a question about journalists being killed or arrested while covering the ongoing protests, Dujarric condemned the use of live ammunition during the protests in Bangladesh.
He urged the Bangladeshi government, as well as governments worldwide, to uphold the rights of citizens to peacefully protest and to ensure the freedom and safety of journalists to work without hindrance.
Dujarric also highlighted the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh, despite the political unrest and violence.  "We must not forget that a humanitarian crisis is ongoing in Bangladesh," he said.
The UN and its partners have continued to provide assistance to those affected by Cyclone Remal and other emergencies, despite challenges such as internet outages, bank closures, and curfews.
"Last month, we and our partners launched an $80 million humanitarian assistance plan to support 1.2 million people, but only 18 percent of this has been funded so far. On June 5, the Central Emergency Response Fund allocated $7.5 million to aid those affected by the cyclone, and on July 4, an additional $6.2 million was provided for cash assistance to communities along the Jamuna River," Dujarric said.
Dujarric also noted that a significant humanitarian operation is ongoing in Cox's Bazar to support both the refugees from Myanmar and the local population.
As the situation in Bangladesh remains tense, the UN's continued engagement in both humanitarian and potential investigatory roles underscore the international body's commitment to supporting the nation during this challenging period.

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