
Violence significantly impacts Bangladesh's reputation on the global stage, according to the UN rights chief.

 In a letter to the Prime Minister, he also offers UN support for fact-finding following the violence and deaths related to the quota protests.

UN Human Rights Chief 

UN Human Rights Chief Volker Turk has written a letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina saying the reports of violence against its citizens advocating for fundamental rights have serious implications not only within Bangladesh but also in its international standing.

"In the letter issued on July 23, he stated, 'As one of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping missions, Bangladesh has consistently been a steadfast supporter of global peace and security. However, the reports of excessive force, arbitrary arrests, and torture during the protests raise serious concerns.'"

The information available to his office suggests that the response by the law enforcement agencies to the protests has been marked by the excessive use of force, including live ammunition, arbitrary arrests, detention, ill-treatment, and torture.

"We understand that protesters have also been subject to violent attacks by groups reportedly affiliated with the government, with no protection made available to them," Turk said.

UN Human Rights Chief 

The deployment of paramilitary units, such as the Armed Police Force, Border Guard Bangladesh and the Rapid Action Battalion, poses further risks. We are also aware of arrests of the opposition figures exacerbating the situation, he noted in the letter.

It said the Supreme Court ruling narrowing the quota may open a space for meaningful and inclusive dialogue with all relevant national stakeholders to address the underlying issues and grievances.

In order to create a conducive environment for public dialogue, Turk said the UN has urged the government to ensure that all law enforcement operations are in line with international human rights standards.

"The deployment of paramilitary units such as the Armed Police Force, Border Guard Bangladesh, and the Rapid Action Battalion poses further risks. We are also aware that the arrests of opposition figures are exacerbating the situation," he noted in the letter.

The letter also mentioned that the Supreme Court ruling narrowing the quota system may create space for meaningful and inclusive dialogue with all relevant national stakeholders to address the underlying issues and grievances.

To foster a conducive environment for public dialogue, Turk stated that the UN has urged the government to ensure that all law enforcement operations adhere to international human rights standards. 

He also called for the restoration of internet communications and the full operation of independent media.

UN Human Rights Chief 

Turk emphasized the necessity of an impartial, independent, and transparent investigation into all alleged human rights violations to ensure accountability and justice for victims and to help prevent recurrence.

For the longer term, he suggested comprehensive reforms in the security sector to prevent future abuses and to safeguard the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association.

In the current challenging time, Turk expressed his office's readiness to support the efforts of the Bangladeshi government in resolving the crisis.

He welcomed an opportunity to speak with Prime Minister Hasina directly, either through a telephone call or on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York in September.

Turk mentioned that the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is also available to deploy a fact-finding team to assist in building trust among all stakeholders and help de-escalate tension.

"I sincerely believe that these measures would help to prevent further escalation and harm, and contribute to a resolution of this crisis," he concluded.

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